psychedelic text color in Rmarkdown

Using CSS and Rmarkdown to create psychedelic colors.

Daniel Jachetta true

In order to get this specific distill article blog to point to the CSS file, It first needs to be assigned in the YAML header. A simplified YAML header is below.

    css: style.css

The .CSS file has to reside within the same directory as the .Rmd file, or atleast have a relative file path if it were to reside in a child directory.

Below is the contents of the style.css. The “d-article” attribute was found by using the inspect element tool in Firefox, with a few trials and errors. Other Rmarkdown formats will require the appropriate attribute to be used in place of the “d-article” attribute.

   position: absolute;
   -webkit-animation:colorchange 20s infinite alternate;}
   @-webkit-keyframes colorchange {
   0% {color: blue;}
   10% {color: #8e44ad;}
   20% {color: #1abc9c;}
   30% {color: #d35400;}
   40% {color: blue;}
   50% {color: #34495e;}
   60% {color: blue;}
   70% {color: #2980b9;}
   80% {color: #f1c40f;}
   90% {color: #2980b9;}
   100% {color: pink;}}

And that is it! This gives the webpage a dynamic feel, even though the changing text color isn’t necessary, it was fun to learn how to create this type of effects.